Sign up to the UN Women UK Community

Click here to join the CSW community
You will need to create an account in Circle, the software we use to host our community space.

In the community you will find all your links to CSW events, documents and more.

Would you be willing to make a donation to support women in Ukraine?


As you know, we are a charity and currently urgently raising funds to support our team’s work on the ground in Ukraine, supporting women desperately in need and those leaving the country as refugees.

In return for the experience of joining us for CSW, which we hope will be a brilliant one, please consider making a donation to directly support women in Ukraine. Even if you can help us reach one woman or girl, this is hugely appreciated.

Donate below, or find out more about our work in Ukraine here.

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Your personal data will be used to process your donation and support your experience with UN Women UK, for more information see our privacy policy.