United for Beirut

£99.00 donated
8 Donors

The explosion in Beirut has sent shockwaves across the world.

Lebanon was already in the midst of a deep recession, seeing high rates of violence against women, and struggling to contain the Covid pandemic.

The economic impact of the blast is estimated to be over $10 billion, hundreds of thousands of people have been left homeless, and access to support for women experiencing violence is under threat.

Our UN Women team is on the ground, making sure women and girls in Beirut have access to period products, underwear, soap, and a torch to stay safe and protected during the ongoing Covid crisis. We’re also using our strong partner networks across Lebanon to make sure both Lebanese nationals and women refugees have access to safety, support and counselling if they’re going through gender-based violence, which rises in times of crisis.

We know that it has been a difficult year for everyone. But our sisters in Lebanon need our support right now more than ever.

Please give what you can.

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