Join UN Women UK and Bumble in calling for safer online spaces and an end to cyberflashing.

Cyberflashing is a pervasive problem, experienced disproportionately by women. Research from YouGov shows that four in 10 millennial women (41%) have been sent an unsolicited photo of a man’s genitals without consent. Bumble’s research suggests this figure could be even higher, with nearly half (48%) of those aged 18 to 24 receiving a sexual photo they didn’t ask for in the last year alone.

These explicit images are regularly sent on social media and messaging apps, as well as via AirDrop, WiFi, and Bluetooth, and women are disproportionately the recipients. The distress caused often leaves a lasting impact, changing how women perceive safety and interact with the internet as a whole.

Surprisingly, cyberflashing is not criminalised in the same way that physical flashing is. In many countries, physical flashing is classified as a criminal offence punishable by fines and, in some cases, imprisonment. In Scotland, cyberflashing has been classified as a sexual offence for over a decade.

UN Women UK and Bumble have been raising awareness about the prevalence of cyberflashing and campaigning to criminalise this abhorrent behaviour. We have been holding cross-party Parliamentary consultations to galvanise support from Members of Parliament in the UK. Now, we’re asking you to stand with us by adding your name.

You can also download a template to write to your MP here.

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Join Bumble and UN Women UK, and help us convince the Government, decision-makers and funders to do more to end violence against women.

    We will keep you up to date on how the you can get involved and how we are making change together. If that's okay, go ahead and sign your name.